Thursday, November 6, 2008

Manglish Very Short One

I came upon this in a chapter "Manglish Very Short One" in the book "Honk! If You're Malaysian". I felt that its good. It reflects the usage of English and Manglish between proper English and Manglish. Enjoy!

English: Would you turn off the fan?
Manglish: Off the fan.

English: Oh dear, I'm going to be in deep trouble.
Manglish: Die!

English: Would you be so good as to turn on the tap, please? Of course!
Manglish: Can on the tap-ah? Can!

English: Hi, Lucy. Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?
Manglish: Hi, Lucy. Long time no see. So how?

English: Would you happen to have some coins? May I borrow 50 sen, please?
Manglish: Got coins or not? Can lend 50 sen-ah?

English: Sive, you seemed to have lost some weight.
Manglish: Sive, you gone down oredi.

English: These durians are really good!
Manglish: Best-lah the durian!

English: I'm not in the mood for a movie.
Manglish: No mood for movie-lah.

English: It's not necessary for you to trouble yourself.
Manglish: No need!

English: Why is that idiot honking away?
Manglish: That idiot horn for what?

English: I'd like to order a glass of plain water.
Manglish: Sky juice one.

English: Encik Kamal is out of town.
Manglish: Encik Kamal outstation.

English: baby, why aren't you wearing your pants? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Manglish: Bay, why you no wear pants? Shame-shame-lah.

English: The MD asked me to sing a song at the karaoke. I was so embarrassed.
Manglish: The MD ask me to sing karaoke. Shy only.

English: She's always lying through her teeth, she's beyond help!
Manglish: She always bluff one, gone case-lah she.

English: What are you talking about? That's absolutely ridiculous!
Manglish: You talk what? Rubbish-lah.

English: He's quite an unusual character.
Manglish: He's one kind one-lah.

English: I have yet to pay the fine.
Manglish: Norchet pay fine.

English: Would you reverse your car?
Manglish: Gostan.

English: Would you like some rambutans for dessert? I don't want any, thank you.
Manglish: Want rambutans for dessert or not? Dowan, thanks.

English: Why are you so long-winded?
Manglish: Talk so much for what?

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