Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What can I do

It seems that I have many to say but somehow I'm speechless when it's my turn to talk. Why is that so? It seems that I have many secrets that can or cannot be shared. It seems that I need someone to talk to but I can't find anyone to talk to. There is someone that I always share my secrets with but somehow that someone got quite busy and I have no where to turn to. Till now, my workload has increased and because of my personal things, I seems not able to concentrate on what I'm doing. I scare that if things go on like this, I will be mad soon. Is there anyway that I can release all my secrets without letting anyone else get hurt? Blogging may be the best choice but unfornately, it is not the best choice. Blogging will just make matters worse as I have told myself to forget what had happened today and pay attention to a brand new day tomorrow. But, as people always say, "Saying is always easier than doing". It is true as I stand by myself today, that whatever you said, may not be done by you. I'm hoping that I can really release all the stress in myself as I afraid that one day I'll burst and I don't want that day to happen as I have experienced before and I know the consequences of bursting all at once. It is not a good thing to do... What can I do????

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