Friday, April 24, 2009


Exam season is here again. The stress, tension period for every students is back. Many students are stressing now...some more with the hot weather, where few days no rain is definitely killing the students. I wonder where is all the rain. I have been slow on revising my studies. Hopefully I can finish all my subjects in time before the exams. I am really worried this time. Is it because I started late or is it because I showed that I do not care about the exams few weeks back? I regret for not starting my studies earlier. I hope that time can be reversed so I can make do with the mistakes I did. 

This is the season where problems start to arise for many people, especially students. Why? I do not know but for the past few exams, I have been experiencing problems during the exams period. Luckily, the problems did not block my focus on my exams. I hope that this semester I can be problem free and I can concentrate on my exams. For those who are experiencing problems, put aside your problems first and concentrate on the finals. It's the most important thing now. All the best to those who are having their finals and good luck to all~

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