Saturday, June 21, 2008

lazy n hot day

what a hot day's so hot that i don't felt like doing anything today. luckily i managed to finished my business tutorial and now i'm left with maths' tutorial. hopefully i will finished it by tonight then tomorrow i can sleep in late and do some revision as there will be quizzes coming up either this week or next week. i'm so scare of the quizzes but i don't have any mood to study today. have been lazing around...watching drama series, well, i did my chores...washed my that can be considered as done part of my job...left the other half which is don't know's really really hot le...hopefully it will rain tonight as i can't stand it any longer....really really hot...even with my room door opened, bathed with cold makes no differences....even my clothes are dried....compared to the 2nd week here, this is really really hot....

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