Saturday, December 22, 2007

GSC Signature

Guess what? two different days, one same place, one same cinema, one same show, two same time....and that will means I went and watch the same show at the same cinema for two days. Is this too much? Some more I did not went to a normal cinema but a "high-class" cinema..the price of each show is doubled...RM16 ...dotzzzz

Ha ha...but it was a nice experience and the place was so comfy that I felt asleep the second time I went. The second time I went, only six people (including us) watched the movie. Maybe too expensive so no people went to watch. But i want to try the Gold Class ge cause I saw a lot of people lined up to buy tickets from there. Must save money first cause each Gold Class cost RM60...arrggg...SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY. Or anyone want to sponsor me?? he he

Oo...bought a pair of heels again =P .. but this time the heels I bought are very cheap...RM59.90 less 50%...muahahahaha....wanted to buy more but it seems that is either not my taste or no size... =.=""" why is that whenever I want to buy a shoe, there is always problem occur?? Haiz...must go look some more.

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