Thursday, December 27, 2007


Finally I have the mood to write...

Christmas has passed and its time to get ready for another "big celebration". Its time to get ready for EXAMS!!! OMG...and I have not even studied....
Had a moderate X-Mas this year...due to the clashing of classes and holidays in the middle of the week, I can't go celebrate in Singapore...haiz... and having to spend this Christmas alone...thanks to my family for spending this Christmas with me...luckily u all are there....

I had turkey on Saturday....tat's like 3 days before X-Mas...and I don't mind =P though X-Mas eve only went out for Seafood at night...

Went out on Christmas day for like almost the whole day (9am-8pm) and after coming back, I was like damned tired and there's no mood to study for the paper next day. And guess what, I did not studied enough for my WPD...hope can take back that paper and redo...
Now have to get ready for Maths papers...haiz...
till then, ciao

Saturday, December 22, 2007

GSC Signature

Guess what? two different days, one same place, one same cinema, one same show, two same time....and that will means I went and watch the same show at the same cinema for two days. Is this too much? Some more I did not went to a normal cinema but a "high-class" cinema..the price of each show is doubled...RM16 ...dotzzzz

Ha ha...but it was a nice experience and the place was so comfy that I felt asleep the second time I went. The second time I went, only six people (including us) watched the movie. Maybe too expensive so no people went to watch. But i want to try the Gold Class ge cause I saw a lot of people lined up to buy tickets from there. Must save money first cause each Gold Class cost RM60...arrggg...SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY SAVE MONEY. Or anyone want to sponsor me?? he he

Oo...bought a pair of heels again =P .. but this time the heels I bought are very cheap...RM59.90 less 50%...muahahahaha....wanted to buy more but it seems that is either not my taste or no size... =.=""" why is that whenever I want to buy a shoe, there is always problem occur?? Haiz...must go look some more.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Oh...finally can take a rest after the few weeks of rushing one assignments after the other. Now what I want to do is concentrate on my studies and also the coming presentations. Did I just said presentations?? OMG...not again...have to prepare slides for the subjects are not done...don't know what to do for the presentations also. Haiz...hopefully that my reports are right or not I'll shout....

And I have to do my revisions for my resit papers or I'll die. How I wish I can simply pass them and don't have to worry about them anymore...Pray hard and wish me luck in everything please...

Sunday, December 9, 2007


I don't why you hesitate
Everytime you are near me
It is that you fear
You might fall into something deep

Standing on the edge of the night
Feelings raging inside
But if you open your eyes

Can you see the fireflies dancing in the air
Like the stars up in the sky
Feel the gentle breeze caress the night
Oh, it's time to take to flight
Take my hand I'll lead you to the places where
I am sure you've never been
So just hold me close and we will go
This is how it all begins

Friday, December 7, 2007

What is ...??

What is really love? you can never know when you fell in love but "You never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lose it, you can never get it back." Please appreciate those that you love and those that love you.

"You know you love someone when the mere thought of losing them brings you to tears."

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Sometimes you wish for something. You want it so badly, but you want even more for it to be perfect like you imagined it. And sometimes, you get it, and it's everything you thought it would be.