Sunday, October 2, 2011

New shoes!!!!

Weeeee....I bought a new pair of's so comfortable that I don't feel like I'm wearing shoes!!!! And it's not that expensive with 15% discount from jusco. Although it's a guy's shoe design but I live the comfortness of the shoe. The color is black, there is either black or white to choose from and it's the first time I'm taking's a gamble for me to wear black shoes....and the brand is Admiral...oh did I mention it's from Mid Valley's jusco? :-)

Other than that, I bought a new card holder from a warehouse sales this morning at a very reasonable price @ jaya one

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My New Baby

My new baby has arrived!!!! Yeah....can't get my hand on 'em =D
Today, 24th September 2011 marks the birthday of my new baby =)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lucky September

Convocation has passed for 2 weeks and it's time to get serious on work. No more playing around!!! Here are some photos taken during the convocation ceremony.

Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang, K.L.

Group Photo before the start of the ceremony


Anyway, 2 of my friends just gave birth to baby boys and both birthday falls just 3 days apart....CONGRATULATIONS to both pair of parents =) I wish I could see the babies now.....


I have a surprise later on =D ....... I'll blog all about it tomorrow =)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Melaka Photos....partial

Waiting for Chicken Rice Balls...

Group 2 waiting for their food...

Food arrived!!!

In front of Museums....

Posing for group photo 1...












Supposed to pose with the vehicle behind but we blocked the vehicle....

block number 2....

block number 3....

Reached A'Famosa Fort...

Fort 2...

Fort 3....

Fort 4...

Fort 5...

Fort 6....

Fort 7...

Fort 8...

Fort 9....

Fort 10...

Fort 11....

Fort 12....

Fort 13...

Fort 14....

Fort 15...

Fort 16...

Fort 17...

Fort 18...

Fort 19...

Fort 20...

Fort 21...

Fort 22...

Fort 23...

Fort 24...

Fort 25....

Fort 26...

Fort 27....

Fort 28...

Fort 29...

Fort 30...

Fort 31...

Fort 32...

Fort 33...

Fort 34...

Fort 34...

Fort 35...

Fort 36...

Fort 37...

Fort 38...

Fort 39...

Fort 40...

Fort 41...

Fort 42...

Fort 43...

Dataran Pahlawan Mall

DPM 2...

DPM 3...

DPM 4...

Fort Entrance 1...

FE 2...

FE 3...

FE 4...

FE 5...

@ Nadaje...crepe time

various crepes....
Satay Celup...
Table 1...

Table 2...

Yum yum...

A'Famosa Water World....

AFWW 2...

AFWW 3...

AFWW 4...

AFWW 5...

AFWW 6...

AFWW 7...

AFWW 8...

AFWW 9...


Melaka River Cruise...

MRC 2....