Thursday, June 3, 2010

First week....

First week of semester going to end soon. Means I am back here for a week already. First two days weather was nice, cooling but after that...its hotttttttttttt :'(. Where has the rain gone to? I want it to rain at night!!!! Anyway, attended classes and tomorrow is the last for the week...yeah!!! I survived first week of classes. Now another 13 weeks to go.
FYP confirmed...supervisor confirmed...yeah...less one worries is assignments groupings...which I hate the most...haih...hope can find and won't get lost somewhere....
Weekends do tutorials...a lot to do...why got so much work on the first week itself already? I can't imagine the coming weeks where there is quizzes, practical tests, midterms, assignments due date, fyp....I need more fate in myself.....